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3 Easy Ways to Maintain Your Colored Hair

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a woman with coloured hair

Almost everyone in the beauty industry is aware of how hair dyes and permanent hair colour can damage the hair. It can dry even the healthiest hair, which is why you would have to take proper measures to take care of it if you ever decide to get your hair coloured.

Some of the best hairdressers in Tauranga share some tips for keeping your coloured hair shiny and vibrant.

Use warm water in the shower

If you are a fan of warm showers, then you are in luck, as this can help your hair colour stay on your hair longer. Avoid using hot water, as this can take the hair dye’s pigment off your hair, making it look dull and lifeless over time.

Use warm water to wet your hair, and then rinse it with cold water. The warm water will help the shampoo sink into your hair cuticles, while the cold water can help in sealing the moisture from your conditioner into your hair.

Avoid washing your hair every day

Some people love washing their hair every single day, but this can actually strip off the natural oils that your hair is producing. Also, when you wash your hair every day, the colour tends to wash off with the shampoo, conditioner, and water, leaving you with faded colour.

Consider washing your hair just two to three times a week or every other day to prevent it from drying out. You can use a dry shampoo if you feel like your hair is dirty and you want to cleanse it right away.

Steer clear of hot tools

If you can, stay away from hot tools such as curling irons, hair straighteners, and hot blowers. If you really need one, then consider using a heat protectant serum to protect your hair from the heat. This can help with keeping the moisture locked into your hair while preventing the hot tools from drying it out.

Always listen to your hairstylist’s aftercare tips when having your hair done and coloured. Your hair is your crowning glory, which means that you definitely have to take good care of it.

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