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3 Ways to Make Your Child’s Bedroom Allergy-free

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BedroomAllergies affect a person’s quality of life, especially among children. It can prevent them from having a healthy and happy childhood, which is important for their upbringing. The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) reported that 8.3 million children in the U.S. have respiratory allergies. If you’re protecting your child from such a plight, better start with their private space – the bedroom.

Start with the Bed

The bed can turn into a breeding ground for dust mites, so it’s best to cover the mattress and pillows with anti-allergy protectors. For the blanket, make sure that its fabric won’t trap dirt and dust. Order custom blankets to have a choice on the type of fabric, pattern, size, and color.

Avoid headboards made of fabric or if possible, avoid headboards altogether because the surface collects dust. Don’t put many stuffed toys on their bed, as these trap dust mites, dirt, and dust. If your child insists, however, make sure to wash them regularly.

Purify the Air

Did you know that a cubic foot of air holds more than 30 million pollutants? That’s a hundred times more pollutants than outdoor air. Most harmful particles in your home aren’t visible to the human eye, so it’s best to install dehumidifiers to reduce their numbers. These also help in monitoring the humidity of your kid’s bedroom, so you can prevent the growth of mold.

Say No to Carpets

It’s common for an American home to have wall-to-wall carpeting, but don’t bring it to your kid’s bedroom. Remember that the bedroom also serves as their playground. If they play on the floor, you’re exposing them to bacteria, dust mites, and other microorganisms. Use hardwood flooring and area rugs instead, as they’re both easy to clean.

Don’t let allergies ruin their childhood. Make your kid’s bedroom allergy-free, so they can enjoy their private space without any kind of threat.

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