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4 Ways to Troubleshoot a Car that Refuses to Start

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Car Problems in AucklandAlthough car manufacturers have made improvements in designing vehicles that are more reliable and durable, you may still experience the occasional frustration of not having your car start.

You sit behind the wheel, repeatedly turning the key in the ignition. Thirty minutes later, you’re still doing the same thing. The worst part isn’t just that you have to get to Auckland’s city centre and your quiet, country home is miles and miles away. The other worst part is that you have no idea what to do.

Other than reaching for the number of your diesel or petrol mechanic in Auckland, you can learn a few ways to solve the problem on your own.

  1. A Dead Battery

If you’ve left the lights or the radio on in your car overnight, the problem is most likely a dead battery. If the battery is fairly new, and you can find a nice enough neighbour with jumper cables, you can jump start the car.

But if your car is more than five years old, no amount of jump starting may bring it back to life. In this case, you may need a new battery.

  1. The Engine is Quiet

This may mean corrosion in your battery’s cable connections. If the key in the ignition does nothing to get the car going, you need to look under the hood and inspect the cables. You may have to clean them or get a replacement.

  1. The ‘Sleepy Car’

Your car’s fuel line could freeze during winter, and this could lead to cold-start problems. This happens when water accumulates in your tank, and condensation freezes.

  1. The Car Makes a Sound, But …

One common reason for this is a weak battery, but there are other things to consider. Make sure there are no internal mechanical problems, such as a lack of engine oil or very old motor oil. Also, problems with the starter motor could cause the car to crank, but not start.

Of course, if all else fails, the best thing to do is to contact a professional mechanic to find out what’s wrong with the car.

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