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Adding Value to Your Home by Reviving a Room

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Painting the roomEven the most fashionable houses need makeovers. Are you losing interest in particular rooms because they seem to be trapped in the past? Here are some pointers on how to transform the mood of a room by using quick and affordable fixes.

 Lights – There can be too much light, not enough, or maybe the fixture’s hue is inappropriate for your room. Consider what the room is for. Does the room need bright lights or something mellow? Does it need to let more natural light in? You can immediately resolve these lighting issues with tinted LED lights and appropriate blinds from that go well with the room’s aesthetics. Perth stores do offer many choices for both fixtures.

Scents – One of the subtle and faster ways of changing a room’s mood or feel is adding scent. Like your mother’s cooking, the right fragrance can transport people into a relaxed or energised state. Choose from the basic scents like rose, lavender, vanilla and peppermint scents. Also, you can choose unique scents like chocolate, leather and old books. They’re easy enough to find online as scented candles, potpourri and essential oils.

Purpose – Sometimes, the ultimate room makeover can only happen with a complete overhaul of the room’s purpose. Storage rooms, basements and attics can be given new life. Turn them into a library, games room or guest bedroom. Don’t be scared of spending too much, you can give the unused furniture a new life too with this redecorating scheme. Clean the whole room first and see what furnishings are already installed. Check online for videos on refurbishing furniture or check garage sales for possible pieces at affordable prices.

Whether it’s a new coat of paint or new Roman blinds, overhauling a room improves your home. Don’t hesitate to get inspiration from other homeowners online. Remember, this is your house. Maximise the space and make it truly a home worthy to be called yours.

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