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Coping with dental phobia: how to get back to oral health and stay there

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Oral HealthDon’t ever let anyone tell you that fear of the dentist is not a real thing. Some people believe that it is simply a case of individuals being overdramatic or worrying needlessly about nothing, but this is not the case. Dental phobia is a recognised condition, and it can have devastating effects for anyone who suffers from it.

Fear of the dentist can range from mild anxiety to full-blown panic attacks, which have a number of unpleasant and frightening symptoms. It is also important not to feel embarrassed or silly if you experience fear or phobia around the concept of dental treatment.

Phobias don’t discriminate; anyone can suffer from them. Furthermore, it is possible to have a phobia of almost anything. Recognised phobias include:

  • Arachnophobia – Fear of spiders
  • Pogonophobia – Fear of beards
  • Globophobia – Fear of balloons
  • Odontophobia – Fear of teeth
  • Fear of dentists or dental treatment is often referred to as “dentophobia”.

The first step to overcoming your dental phobia is to find an understanding dentist. Adams Dental in North London has a long track record of helping nervous dental patients beating their fear to get back to oral health, by creating an individual pathway for every patient.

Nervous dental patients cite a wide variety of causes for their fear, from bad childhood experiences to fear of a specific trigger. By talking through your fears with your dentist, they can often reassure you by discussing the advances of modern dentistry that mean that treatment is almost entirely pain free.

Some people don’t know the reason behind their fear, but you should still take the time to talk to your dentist even if you can’t identify a specific cause for your anxiety.

Dental hypnosis has helped many patients to conquer their fear. As well as dealing with an immediate problem – for example, if you need several large fillings – hypnosis can help you to cope with any future treatment needs.

Sedation dental treatment offers an excellent way of helping you to relax. You won’t have any of the unpleasant side-effects of general anaesthesia, but will be very relaxed and free from pain during treatment.

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