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How to Behave When Attending a Funeral Service

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Attending a funeral service maFuneraly feel uncomfortable for some, especially for those who don’t maintain a close relationship with the deceased and the bereaved. This is because they find it hard to express appropriate sentiments. They also fear they might say the wrong words.

Companies, such as, promote the customs and etiquette of attending funeral services. If you feel oblivious about the long-standing customs, here are some tips that will help you.

The Red Flags on Words

Even if you have the right intentions, chances are you might still say the wrong words. Be more sensitive. For starters, don’t ask what happened. If you ask them this, you’re actually compelling them to narrate the cause of the person’s demise. Don’t give comments that may trivialize the tragedy. These remarks go along the lines of “This too shall pass,” or “Look at what tomorrow may bring you.” Be safe by expressing how sorry you are or how significant the deceased person is to you.

On Handing Donations

Depending on the request of the deceased or the bereaved, the donation usually goes to charities or organizations the deceased was supporting when he was still alive. Don’t forget to include your name or contact details in the sympathy notes for the family’s acknowledgment. Donations may be handed to the family in case they’re currently enduring financial hardships.

On Using the Social Media

Social media has inevitably changed the way people view bereavement. It’s alright to say something about the occasion, but make sure you’re applying the pre-existing rules when it comes to wording your statement. And no selfies, please! A lot of people, especially teens, have been taking selfies when attending such an occasion. This somehow trivializes the tragedy faced by the bereaved.

These are only some of the things you need to observe when attending a funeral service. Anything else should depend on your sensitivity and the prevailing customs in the venue.

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