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Investing in Real Estate: Commercial Property Types to Consider

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Self storage as a form of commercial propertyIf you’re looking to diversify your investment portfolio and include safeguards against the volatility of the investment market, why not incorporate some property investments in your portfolio? If you don’t know where to start, take a look at some of the most common commercial property investment types below.

Retail Spaces or Buildings

The key to this kind of investment is location. For instance, if you want to invest in a standard strip mall with multiple units, you have to make certain that the location receives a consistent stream of foot traffic or you would be hard-pressed to find tenants.

Office Spaces or Buildings

Office spaces are usually in demand in virtually all cities. If you reside in a smaller town, you may consider investing in one unit first with one tenant, such as a doctor’s clinic. If you live in a bigger town or city, you could consider investing in several office units, or even a whole building.

Raw Land Investments

You could make money with raw land investments in different ways. For example, if you bought wooded land, you could contract responsible logging companies to harvest wood from your property. If the property is suited to farming, you could lease it to local farmers, or you could also just purchase some land and sell it later to property developers.

Multifamily Housing

Multifamily housing refers to apartment buildings. With the demand for affordable housing options, yet consistently increasing rental prices, you could generate a steady income stream with apartment buildings. Additionally, you could even take out HUD multifamily loans from mortgage and financial firms such as Bonneville Multifamily Capital to help you acquire multifamily properties.

Industrial Real Estate

This could mean plenty of things – manufacturing facilities, warehouses, and research facilities among others. With this property type, however, it may be harder to estimate demand so you must do your research well when gauging the area where you want to invest.

All types of commercial investment properties come with its rewards and risks, so it’s crucial that you weigh all the pros and cons of each before investing. To start, ask yourself how you are going to finance the property? Is the market viable for the property type you’re planning on buying? How much money can you earn? Do your due diligence before doing anything.

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