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Learn from These Examples of Successful Marketing Automation

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Automation conceptThe facts are self-revelatory for marketing automation; 67% of industry-leading companies will be more likely to use marketing automation, according to the Aberdeen Group’s 2014 report. Another report from eMarketer states that marketers making use of automation have recorded a 50% increase in conversions from various campaigns.

Whether deployed in a B2B or B2C context, marketing automation has proven to be a game changer for companies in the online terrain. Aside from providing the opportunity to engage customers and prospects one-on-one, it also enables the business to build an actionable database of information that can be leveraged for brand building and loyalty programs. So, if your business is still struggling, here are a few examples a professional marketing automation agency can use to make a difference in your efforts.

Welcome campaign

How many emails can be sent personally especially if the company is operating in a customer-dense environment? The best bet is to automate the welcome emails. This ensures a standard yet personalized email for everyone who signs up.

Onboarding campaign

Customer onboarding has grown to immense levels of importance. Statistics indicate that majority of apps lose 77% of their daily average users within just three days of installation because users don’t know how to use the app. Onboarding helps to reverse this trend for savvy brands as they gently train users in the right usage of the platform.

Reactivation campaign

Lethargy in usage is frequent in business and many have passed through that phase. Some survived while others didn’t. The difference in many cases is the proactive move to re-engage users or customers. Marketing automation helps to bring them back into the fold.

List cleaning

While it’s great to have a long list of customers, it’s far more important to have those who are more likely to provide value to your bottom-line over time. Get rid of uninterested contacts and increase the delivery rate to popular email providers.

Marketing automation continues to gain vast relevance and increasing importance in online marketing as it delivers positive results while enhancing efficiency and efficacy of campaigns.

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