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Making a Successful TPD Claim

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Man and woman reading the TPD claim paperworkWhen you’ve suffered an injury or illness that inhibits you from continuing your work, you may wish to file for a Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) claim. The process of submitting the claim and receiving compensation can be complicated, but with an experienced superannuation TPD lawyer in Townsville, the process can be a smooth one. Here are the steps you’ll need to go through.

Provide necessary documentation

Once you decide to make your claim, the first step is to reach out to your super fund and assemble the required claim documentation. Besides the claim documentation, you may need to provide your identification papers such as your birth certificate, passport and driver’s licence. You may also have to provide medical evidence for support.

Submit the claim

After collecting all the necessary documents, you’ll need to attach them to your claim statement. Sign the claim statement and hand the papers to your case manager. The responsibility of the case manager is to guide you throughout the process. Your case manager will then assess your claim to establish whether you are eligible for a TPD benefit.

Provide any additional documents

Upon receiving your documents, your insurer will assess them. They may then ask for other documents to ascertain whether you qualify for the TPD benefit. Typically, they will ask for doctor reports, further examination from an independent physician, and more information from your employer.

Receive your compensation

Once your insurance provider has assessed the information you provided, they will make a decision on whether to settle the claim, defer it or reject it. If you’ve followed due process and your claim is legitimate, they will accept it and contact you with the payment options for your claim.

A permanent disability may interfere with your ability to work, but it does not have to affect the quality of your life drastically. By following the right steps as you file your TPD claim, you can get the settlement you deserve and live a happy, comfortable life.

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