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Woman Undergoing Dental Treatment

One Solution to Multiple Problems

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Woman Undergoing Dental TreatmentWhen people feel self-conscious about their teeth, they often forget that they don’t have to live with it and that there is always something they can do. It isn’t too late to straighten up teeth to enhance a smile and boost self-confidence. One solution that is becoming more and more popular, is going for Invisalign in Harley Street.

Invisalign is the brand name given to clear aligners that are used to subtly straighten the teeth. If someone is interested in finding out more about treatment, Invisalign in Harley street can be found at local dentists such as Harley Street Dental Clinic.

Let Invisalign do the trick

Invisalign consists of a set of clear aligners, custom-made to fit snugly over the teeth. These are to be worn day and night, for around 22 hours. The length of treatment will vary depending on the patient’s individual case. Types of toothy problems that can be fixed as a result of going for Invisalign in Harley Street include mild to moderate dental irregularities, such as an underbite, overbite, crossbite or open bite, crowded or gappy teeth.

While in these cases, the primary focus will be to improve the patient’s oral health, those looking to generally enhance the aesthetics of their smile can also benefit from Invisalign.

Invisalign is designed to treat adult teeth and is not always suited to certain complex or severe dental cases. During the patient’s consultation, the dentist will thoroughly examine the teeth and assess if they are suitable for Invisalign treatment. If they are not, they will recommend the best solution for their particular case.

Benefits of Invisalign

One of the biggest appeals of choosing to have Invisalign in Harley Street, is that it allows people to undergo treatment without drawing too much attention to themselves. The clear aligners mean that onlookers might not even notice that they are going through treatment, while metal braces are sure to draw the eye. After treatment, patients can then embrace all the benefits of having straight teeth, both cosmetic and health-related. Straighter teeth mean more confident smiles but also lower chances of tooth decay and gum disease.

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