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Smiling woman with perfect teeth

Smiles All-Round

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Smiling woman with perfect teethSmiling doesn’t always seem like an option when a person has missing teeth. They might feel self-conscious of the gaps and be afraid to fully show off a grin when laughing or passing someone by. It might be that the smile that would once make a stranger’s day, no longer exists. But it’s important to know that no one should have to live with that problem, because services such as dental implants in Stanmore are there provide them with a solution.

It’s not just confidence that missing teeth takes away, but it can also compromise the health and hygiene of the remaining teeth. In Stanmore, dental implants are there to help fill in the gaps, at dental practices such as The Centre of Dental Excellence, leaving little room for issues like plaque to build up and cause decay. Losing teeth can not only impact people’s smiles, but it can also put them at risk of bone loss. By replacing the teeth lost, the implant acts as a root for the remaining bone to mesh around.

How it works

While dental implants may seem like a daunting process to some, an experienced implant dentist will ensure that the procedure is explained in detail to their patients. By using advanced 3D imagery and computed guided planning, the route to a full and healthy smile can be carefully thought out and explained to ensure the patient is happy with the journey ahead.

To get an idea of what sort of solutions can be offered, dental implants in Stanmore are recommended to patients who are missing single or multiple teeth. They work by fitting small metal screws into the position of the missing tooth, which take time to integrate with the jawbone. Once healed, single or multiple tooth replacements can be fitted into the screws, filling the small or larger gaps.

Replacing teeth, restoring smiles

Ensuring that the implants appear like natural teeth, skilled dental technicians create tailor-made teeth that are matched in size, colour and shape with the existing set. Every detail is spotted and cared for. That way, previous smiles can be restored and patients can smile again with confidence.

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