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Style Blogs

Style Blogs: An Alternative to Printed Magazines?

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Style BlogsThe introduction of social media brought with it a new medium where those interested in fashion and lifestyle trends can read all about the latest happenings in the field. The rise of fashion blogs is a testament to this new medium of entertainment and information. Fashion blogs basically cover a lot of specific topics ranging from clothes and accessories to different trends in street fashion, celebrity fashion and many more.

Shopping Blogs

According to Style Magazines, fashion blogs can easily be categorised as shopping blogs since most of the topic centers on shopping advice. The content is quite similar to the ones that are found in fashion magazines. The popularity of these blogs has even led some major retailers to jump into the bandwagon by establishing some of their own in an effort to pique the interest of their customers and advertise their own products and services.

Impact on the Industry

The fashion world is a multi-billion dollar industry, and fashion blogs exert considerable influence on what trends people need to follow. It is important to note that there is more to fashion than just the different articles of clothing being offered by designers. Fashion itself is dictated by trends in culture and society. So, with the popularity of these blogs, they now have a huge influence on what pieces of clothing are considered trendy and not.

From an Advertising Standpoint

In terms of advertising potential, fashion blogs have created a sort of free platform where designers can feature their latest collection before they hit stores. The free advertisements or endorsements by fashion bloggers have helped launch the careers of up and coming designers into the mainstream fashion industry.

Many true followers of fashion believe that fashion blogs represent the alternative chic lifestyle, the anti-mainstream sentiments or the rebel yell, as they say. These are the reasons fashion blogs are on the rise worldwide.

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