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The Beauty of Community Gardening in Cities

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community with gardensCommunity gardening is an opportunity for people to come together and grow food and botanicals in one place. Over the years, the expansion of cities has sparked countless initiatives to make public spaces greener and inclusive. The mere act of planting flowers, fruit, and vegetables in a communal greenhouse or urban farm is satisfying. But there are many other advantages of starting such a project or joining an established community garden. Here are some of them:

Community Gardens Beautify Cities

Community gardening can be done in a park or shared plot, or you can request for a specific greenhouse design for such special use. It’s usually run by non-profit organizations, local agencies, clubs, churches, neighborhood associations, and private landowners. No matter the scale and size, nothing can liven up a town or city as much as an edible garden.

Rehabilitating old parking lots, abandoned buildings, or barren parks has become a trend among urban gardeners. Crumbling ruins and vandalized public spaces are replaced with lush greenery and patch of trees.

Flowers are added to the mix to provide a multi-sensory experience to visitors and add visual interest year-round. The garden can also be a source of nutritious, home-grown food and vegetables for you and your fellow gardeners. You can even sell the excess to other members of the community and put the money back into your pocket. You’d be surprised how people appreciate buying food straight from the source.

Community gardening is also possible in a greenhouse. These glass structures can keep the plants healthy and resilient through the seasons. So even if the city experiences weather extremes, gardeners can secure their yields and not get restrained by climate conditions. Your city can also turn it into some sort of gardening installation to draw tourists in. You can charge a small fee to help you with the upkeep costs.

Everyone Participating Can Save Money and Stay Healthy

community with garden in front of their home

Imagine people from all walks of life rolling up their sleeves and working together to make sure the garden flourishes.

Most community gardens are committed to organic methods, which produce better, more nutritious produce. Consuming it can improve your diet and overall health. But nutrients aren’t the only thing you’ll get from organic food. You can save money, too, because growing food is much cheaper than buying supermarket products.

On top of that, immersing in the activity will give you plenty of opportunities to relax, reflect, and breathe fresh air. It goes without saying that gardening promotes a healthy lifestyle, but doing it with a group can enhance your social life, as well.

A park with a garden also encourages people to run, jog, or do yoga free from the noise and bustle of the city. It’s one way for you ease your stress. Just go to the community garden, look after the plants, you can water them if you. It could be a therapeutic experience for you.

Join a community garden or initiate your own project to reap all these benefits. It’s a worthy cause that not only improves your health and well-being but also makes great contributions to the community, not to mention the environment.

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