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Emergency Department

The Importance of Complete Emergency Department Management

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Emergency DepartmentThe hospital emergency department plays an important role in promoting the health care system in the United States. As the emergency department provides initial management for serious injuries and illnesses, it is important to have a complete staff to ensure efficiency of service.

Unfortunately, unanticipated circumstances such as lack of physicians and workforce issues may result in manpower deficiency. As such, several institutions hire emergency department management services to ensure continuity of effective patient care. Emergency Staffing Solutions explains that since emergency cases require immediate intervention, you must have adept and experienced professionals who can handle these cases properly.

Approach to an Emergency

The approach towards patient treatment differs in the emergency department. Physicians must be capable of sorting and organizing the cases based on urgency and severity. If a life-threatening condition has been causing the patient’s symptoms, the ED physician stabilizes the patient to prevent further organ damage. Airway, breathing, and circulation are prioritized to ensure effective patient management. Other staff members including the nurses, medical technologists, and radiologic technicians must also work simultaneously to provide a holistic treatment approach.

Role of Rapid Identification of Emergencies

The emergency department physician must have the clinical acumen to conduct medical history check and physical examination. He must be able to handle several cases at a time, especially in hospitals with a high volume of patients. Studies show that early identification and management of emergencies improve the outcome of the patient by 30-50 percent. Resuscitative measures, such as ventilation, intubation, and intravenous cannulation must be done to reduce morbidity and mortality.

Common Hospital Emergencies

Chest heaviness, abdominal pain, and shortness of breath are the most common emergency cases. Injuries caused by trauma and vehicular accidents may require rapid assessment and treatment at emergency hospitals.

Skilled healthcare specialists play a significant role in improving patient care, treatment, and management. As such, having a complete emergency department staff is a vital step towards proper diagnosis and treatment of life-threatening cases.

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