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Tips for Increasing Your Chances of Landing Scholarship

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Women applying for scholarshipStudying in college can be expensive. You will have to pay for enrolment, get books, and even look for lodging. This is why many parents and students start to save money for education as early as possible. However, there is one great way that will help you curb the costs or even cancel them: applying for a scholarship.

Applying for a scholarship can be tedious and hard work. There are many requirements to fulfil, and on top of that, you may even take an examination. But if you want to increase your chances of getting a scholarship in Singapore, here are some things you may want to consider.

Broaden your network

From the get-go, you should build your network, especially with your professors and placement office. They are the people that can recommend you to scholarship screeners. Other than this, you should also attend educational and scholarship fairs organised by the school’s placement office.

Be part of an organisation

Schools and scholarship organisations always look for leaders. You may increase your chances of being accepted if you have leadership credentials. What you can do is be part of an organisation, lead an event or project, or better yet, start your club. Increase the visibility of your organisation by being involved in your community.

Apply, apply, apply

Applying for a scholarship can be compared with playing the lottery. You should apply, apply, and apply to increase your chances of landing a scholarship. Make sure that you apply personally so you get to talk to the screener and know more about the school you are aiming for.

These are only some of the things you should keep in mind if you want to land a scholarship. You should also speak with your school’s office placement for more details.

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