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home security systems

Tips on Preventing Break-ins

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Burglary is one of the easiest crimes to prevent, but it still remains one of the most common. When it comes to keeping your home safe, simply locking the front door when you leave for the day is not enough. When you consider the adaptability and methods of modern criminals, you need to be alert to avoid becoming an easy target.

home security systems

Think like a criminal

When you baby proof your home, you do things to know potential dangers from a baby’s perspective. Apply the same idea and approach to your home from a burglar’s perspective.

Get an alarm

An ADT security system is one of the best ways to protect your home. Today’s ADT monitored home security systems are portable and wireless, so homeowners don’t need to hire a contractor to install it. Choose a security system that uses motion detectors and arms all doors and windows that could provide access.

Keep things hidden

To the passing burglar, your living room is like a shop window. Use curtains or blinds, so it’s difficult to see inside. At the same time, make sure your window locks are visible. A burglar will keep looking for valuables, so keep your possessions in places other people wouldn’t know about.

The best way to handle burglars is to anticipate their plans with proven preventative measures. This way, you can watch out for security risks in and around your home.

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