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What You Didn’t Know About Obstetrics

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Pregnant woman having her baby checked by her OBA lot of women find visiting their OB/GYN as embarrassing or fearful. Quite the contrary, a visit to your obstetrician should be something you need to do once a year. The next time you visit Revere Health or your doctor of obstetrics in Provo, you should think about the following facts about obstetrics and obstetricians.

Midwives Started It All

Today, midwives are no longer in the limelight. The good news is that they are gaining back attention in helping OB’s provide women with childbirth care. Hundreds of years ago, expectant mothers relied on midwives to deliver their babies. Midwives started obstetrics. In fact, medical schools referred to obstetrics as midwifery – until the 20th century. In fact, the Latin word obstetric means midwife.

Babies Have a Rest Day

Babies rest on Sundays; or is it the doctors? Since the introduction of induced labor with the use of synthetic hormones, there have been fewer babies born on a Sunday. Considering that most doctors are off on Sundays, this might not be a coincidence.

Obstetric Textbook: A Bestseller?

The first published (1513) Obstetrics textbook was a smashing success. Entitled Der Rosengarten, the author was an apothecary named Eucharius Rosslin. It was translated into various languages. The book was a compilation of rewritten texts from ancient philosophers and scientists.

Most Popular Procedure

The C-section is the most prevalent major surgical procedure in the US. There are two main reasons for this. The first is that a cesarean delivery is now an elective procedure. It is no longer the last option. The second reason is that the rising cost of induced labor and other similar interventions. This resulted in a proportional increase in maternal/fetal distress in emergency C-sections.

These are only a few interesting and fun facts about obstetrics. Knowing these facts may help change the way you see your obstetrician.

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