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Whiter Smiles

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woman with great white smileTeeth can slowly but surely lose their natural whiteness over the years. If a person’s oral hygiene routine isn’t very rigorous, they can develop stains on their teeth’s enamel surfaces. These stains can come in a surprising variety of unappealing colours, and can be very hard to remove using only shop-bought products. Teeth whitening in Sydney CBD is a simple treatment that will transform an unsightly smile into a dazzling one.

Why do people have teeth whitening in Sydney CBD?

The food and drink a person consumes can leave behind small traces of colour on the surfaces of the teeth. Tea and coffee, red wine, and smoking can leave particularly noticeable traces on dental enamel. Stains can build up from these traces even if the person has a decent tooth-brushing regime. Teeth whitening in Sydney CBD, from contemporary dentists like Spa Dental Sydney CBD, will apply a bright whiteness to the teeth that the patient can’t achieve at home.

A simple process

The first stage of teeth whitening in Sydney CBD is an assessment at the dental practice. The patient can choose the exact shade of white they’d like to apply to their teeth. The dental team will assess the patient’s oral health, and take some detailed measurements of their mouth. Then there are two different methods of applying the new colour: at the dental practice, or in the patient’s home.

Treatment at the dental practice is sometimes known as power whitening. The patient wears a custom-made try over their teeth. Inside this tray is a special substance containing the whitening agent. A lamp is used to activate the whitening agent while the patient relaxes in a comfortable chair. The whole thing takes around an hour.

Alternatively, the patient will be given the customised tray to take home. According to the dentist’s instructions, they’ll wear the tray at specified times over a period of several weeks, gradually transforming the appearance of their teeth until the desired shade of whiteness is reached.

Teeth whitening in Sydney CBD is a gentle process that brings a noticeable improvement in the shade of a patient’s teeth.

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